Aqua-clean® against the African Swine Fever virus

Since 2007, the African swine fever has been on the rise from Africa, via Russia to the European Union. Since 2014, the disease has also appeared in various European countries. In 2018, large groups of infected wild boars were found in Belgium and in 2020 the first cases also appeared in Germany. It seems a matter of time before this disease also appears in the Netherlands.

Collaboration with Wageningen University

Early detection of a new outbreak is important to stop the rise of African Swine Fever. Contamination can come from many angles. Via dead animals, wild boars, ticks, but also via feed, water and materials. In order to prevent the contamination via water and stable materials, Kanters, in collaboration with Wageningen University, conducted a test to test the killing effect of Aqua-clean® in drinking water pipes.

What is Aqua-clean®  ?

Aqua-clean cleans and disinfects drinking water systems. Aqua-clean® is based on hydrogen peroxide stabilized with a special complex with silver. This combination ensures a long and powerful effect of Aqua-clean.

When Aqua-clean comes into contact with biofilm, it is activated and the released air bubbles will “brush away” the dirt. This effervescent reaction of oxygen with organic contaminants must be a slow and vigorous process, otherwise dirt remains in the system or nipples become clogged. Aqua-clean has been specially developed to clean all contamination and is the most powerful of its kind.


This study is being conducted to test the efficacy of Aqua-clean against ASF and to investigate the effective dilution of the disinfectant. A method designed by the ISO 9001 accredited facilities of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research is based on the European standard EN 14675: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of the virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary sector. Used – Test Method and Requirements (Phase 2, Step 1), 2015.

Because this test is done via an official lab according to established research methods, the results of this test can be used worldwide to show that Aqua-clean kills African Swine Fever.

To pass the test, Aqua-clean must show a titer reduction of at least 4 log10 after 30 minutes. at 10 ° C (mandatory test conditions NEN EN 14675 standard). The disinfectant Aqua-clean at a 3% dilution showed a minimum of 4 log10 reduction on the titer of ASFV for 5 and 30 minutes.


With this we can conclude that a solution of 3% Aqua-clean has a killing effect on the African Swine Fever virus. By cleaning the water pipes of a pig and poultry house with Aqua-clean, the virus does not have a chance to make the animals sick.

For more information and the complete report of this test, please contact your local account manager.

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