Everything starts with clean drinking water!

Animals drink at least twice as much as they eat. If an animal is sick or stressed, it will consume less food but will continue to drink. This makes water the perfect medium to support animal health with nutritional supplements.

Where the feed consultant is often closely involved in business operations and management, in practice we see that the quality of the drinking water often lags behind. While these two important nutrients can reinforce each other so well.

Together we strive to provide all animals in intensive livestock farming with clean and healthy drinking water. To achieve this, we offer practical and sustainable solutions that contribute to pleasure and ease of work. Ensuring good drinking water quality and accurate administration of nutritional supplements are central to this.

Kanters, technics, water, drinkwater, doseren
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Healthy animals ensure job satisfaction and profitability

Kanters Technics develops and produces sustainable technologies to keep your drinking water clean.

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