Ultimate Acid
Effective digestion
- Supports natural gastric barrier
- Assists in better FCR by supporting digestion and utilization of nutrients
- Supports intestinal flora and gut function
- Stimulates the young animal in body development
- Lowers gastric pH and stimulates protein digestion
- Supports production of digestive enzymes
- Stimulates growth and activity of beneficial microbiota
- Improves active resistance
- Preserves the drinking water by lowering the pH level
What is it?
Ultimate Acid is a powerful blend of organic acids and minerals, formulated to optimize nutrient digestion and utilization in pigs. By lowering the pH of the drinking water, Ultimate Acid supports the natural barrier in the stomach and stimulates protein digestion. Ultimate Acid also promotes a healthy balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria, which is crucial for the development of the intestinal tract.
Especially important during the early stages of life, Ultimate Acid helps piglets develop a robust gastrointestinal system, reducing sensitivity to the negative consequences of stress and pathogenic bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella. With its synergistic blend of organic acids and minerals, Ultimate Acid fosters a healthier gut environment, leading to improved nutrient absorption, growth, and overall immune function. Ideal for use in drinking water or liquid feed, Ultimate Acid is essential for sustainable animal production.
When to use?
- Disturbed intestinal flora and intestinal function
- Low feed intake
- Bacterial infection
- After weaning
- 20 kg can
- 225 kg drum
- 1100 kg IBC