
varkens, drinkwater, kanters

How to keep your Salmonella status low

Salmonella belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. There are more than 2300 known Salmonella types of which Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium are most frequently

Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters

Keep a cool head in hot weather

Essential oils have a wide range of manners to provide respiratory support. The mode of action of these compounds are based on antibacterial, antiviral and

hoofmix, kanters, exolium

Support hooves with Exolium Hoofmix

Kanters is and will continue to be fully occupied with the further development of its product portfolio. As part of this development, Hoofmix has been

varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water

Supporting claw problems in sows

Recently there has been a lot of attention for the claw health of sows in Europe. This is due to the upcoming European welfare regulation.

kanters, leghennen, eieren, uitkomstpercentage, nutriforte vivace

Higher laying percentages in your hens

Pro-Mac is the nutritional energy boost that helps mothers during stressful and difficult periods. Support the mother birds with Pro-Mac during the weeks before the

Salmonella, varkens, kanters

Keep Salmonella under control

Salmonella When it comes to control of salmonella in pork production systems, there is no silver bullet. Eachfarm presents its own unique problems. Instead of