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Pigs Knowledge Bank

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Optimus Duo-dosing module drinking water dosing pump
Greater work convenicence with the Optimus Duo-dosing module

Do you already dose liquid supplements into your livestock’s drinking water, but does lugging …

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Relieve heat stress in pigs with Aeroforte

Relieve heat stress in pigs with Aeroforte Heat stress is a major issue in …

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Intesti-Forte reduces weaning diarrhoea and mortality in piglets

Intesti-Forte reduces weaning diarrhoea and mortality in piglets New trial results show the benefits …

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Take a look in the Kanters lab

Water monitoring and dosing advice How is water quality determined and on what is …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
Aqua-clean® against the African Swine Fever virus

Since 2007, the African swine fever has been on the rise from Africa, via …

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varkens, drinkwater, kanters
How to keep your Salmonella status low

Salmonella belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. There are more than 2300 known Salmonella …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
How to wean your piglets without any problems!

In several European countries (such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
Supporting claw problems in sows

Recently there has been a lot of attention for the claw health of sows …

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Salmonella, varkens, kanters
Keep Salmonella under control

Salmonella When it comes to control of salmonella in pork production systems, there is …

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brijvoer, kanters, acid amy
Tackle yeasts and molds with Nutripreserve AMY

The acidification of food has been around for centuries. People have used acid since …

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Varkens, kanters, vleesvarkens, water, drinkwater,
Optimal gut health for pigs with zinc chelates

Optimal gut health for pigs Today’s pig farming demands the utmost from animals. Optimal …

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care, kanters, health concept
Keep feed intake during hot weather high with Aeroforte®

Every farmer recognizes it, pigs who have problems maintaining their feed intake during a …

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Varkens, kanters, vleesvarkens, water, drinkwater,
The effect of Kanters Acid Ca/P on milk production of sows

New field trial results indicate that Nutriforte Ca/P can increase the milk yield of …

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water, kanters
Kanters; Strong with water!

Tap or bottled water is meant to be drunk. It is clean and provides …

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Save up to 25% on your additions to drinking water!

Changing water pressure in drinking water pipes is a common phenomenon, but not everyone …

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jeroen uijlen, kanters, drinkwater, optimus
“Acidifying drinking water gives good results”

With the low failure rate in the last round, 4.3 per cent at sixty …

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Kanters, drinkwater, water
Acids: What is the difference between the different acids?

Historically, organic acids have been used for food preservation, in animal feed to protect …

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brijvoer, kanters, acid amy
Recommended dosage for preserving liquid feed

Liquid feed is very sensitive to spoilage, as yeasts and moulds can develop in …

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optimus, kanters, technics
Everything starts with clean drinking water!

Animals drink at least twice as much as they eat. If an animal is …

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Varkens, kanters, vleesvarkens, water, drinkwater,

Kanters Special Products produces liquid complementary and dietetic feeds for pigs, poultry and cattle, …

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Poultry Knowledge Bank

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The International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring system

At Kanters, we support animal health and look for alternatives for antimicrobials. The misuse …

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Optimus Duo-dosing module drinking water dosing pump
Greater work convenicence with the Optimus Duo-dosing module

Do you already dose liquid supplements into your livestock’s drinking water, but does lugging …

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Broiler chickens drinking water
Kanters products among the best water disinfectants and acidifiers

Antibiotic reduction is still an important topic in livestock farming. Since the ban on …

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Graph of effectiveness of Aqua-clean
Aqua-clean cleans and disinfects drinking water systems

New field test results show the great effectiveness of Aqua-clean on organic pollution in …

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filipijnen, kanters, team
Vetremedica from the Philipines: “Kanters is a partner with a lot of technical expertise”

Since 2012, Vetremedica Corporation from the Philippines, has been a satisfied distributor of Kanters. …

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Kanters, Thailand, schoon drinkwater, water, kwaliteit, aqua-clean
Product videos
Aqua-clean is the best biofilm remover

Kanters has been working with our partner SCG from Thailand for several years. They …

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kippen, pluimvee, water, Kanters
An explanation of the use of copper and zinc in our products

Kanters Special Products produces supplementary and dietary animal feed, which is used in the …

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kippen, pluimvee, water, Kanters
Support the airways during ILT

A respiratory infection in poultry that deserves attention is Infectious larynchotracheitis (ILT). The ILT …

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Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters
Keep a cool head in hot weather

Essential oils have a wide range of manners to provide respiratory support. The mode …

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kanters, leghennen, eieren, uitkomstpercentage, nutriforte vivace
Higher laying percentages in your hens

Pro-Mac is the nutritional energy boost that helps mothers during stressful and difficult periods. …

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Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters
Optimal gut health in poultry

OPTIMAL INTESTINAL HEALTH IN POULTRY Modern poultry farming demands the utmost from animals. Optimum …

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care, kanters, health concept
Keep feed intake during hot weather high with Aeroforte®

Every farmer recognizes it, pigs who have problems maintaining their feed intake during a …

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Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters
Water intake in the first week is essential

During the start-up period of your broilers, it is important that they get enough …

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water, kanters
Kanters; Strong with water!

Tap or bottled water is meant to be drunk. It is clean and provides …

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Save up to 25% on your additions to drinking water!

Changing water pressure in drinking water pipes is a common phenomenon, but not everyone …

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jeroen uijlen, kanters, drinkwater, optimus
“Acidifying drinking water gives good results”

With the low failure rate in the last round, 4.3 per cent at sixty …

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Kanters, intesti-flora, water, drinkwater
Intesti-Flora: good start and less dropout during the round

New field results show that the use of Intesti-Flora ensures a good start and …

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Kanters, drinkwater, water
Acids: What is the difference between the different acids?

Historically, organic acids have been used for food preservation, in animal feed to protect …

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Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters
Use of Nutriforte® Vivace yields 3 cents extra per broiler

Young chicks are under great pressure to perform. These animals can use extra support …

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optimus, kanters, technics
Everything starts with clean drinking water!

Animals drink at least twice as much as they eat. If an animal is …

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Ruminants Knowledge Bank

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The International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring system

At Kanters, we support animal health and look for alternatives for antimicrobials. The misuse …

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Kanters, nutriforte, koeien, nutripreserve
Product videos
Nutripreserve inhibits heating

When the daytime temperature rises above 20ËšC, consideration must be given to measures to …

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koeien, kanters, nutripreserve, broei
Nutripreserve Basic: Also suitable for the winter period

Did you know that adding a heating inhibitor to your crop also yields extra …

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hoofmix, kanters, exolium
Support hooves with Exolium Hoofmix

Kanters is and will continue to be fully occupied with the further development of …

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Kanters introduces Intesti-Prime®

Kanters introduces Intesti-Prime® In the Netherlands, on average 12.5% of calves die in the …

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koeien, kanters, voer
Nutripreserve helps with heating

There are two sides to a summer like 2018. Beautiful weather every day is …

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koeien, kanters, nutripreserve, broei
Good feed intake during the transition period is essential

The transition period is and remains a HOT topic within dairy farming, because we …

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water, kanters
Kanters; Strong with water!

Tap or bottled water is meant to be drunk. It is clean and provides …

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Save up to 25% on your additions to drinking water!

Changing water pressure in drinking water pipes is a common phenomenon, but not everyone …

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jeroen uijlen, kanters, drinkwater, optimus
“Acidifying drinking water gives good results”

With the low failure rate in the last round, 4.3 per cent at sixty …

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Kanters, drinkwater, water
Acids: What is the difference between the different acids?

Historically, organic acids have been used for food preservation, in animal feed to protect …

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koeien, kanters, nutripreserve, broei
Dry silage cost milk

On 13 November, the dairy magazine ‘Melkvee’ reported: “High dry matter content in harvested …

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koeien, nutripreserve basic, kanters
Effective measure for heat stress

Effective measure for heat stress Heat stress is something we have to deal with …

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koeien, drinkwater, kanters
Minerals, trace elements and cows

Minerals, trace elements and cows Not much is written about suckler cows and why …

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optimus, kanters, technics
Everything starts with clean drinking water!

Animals drink at least twice as much as they eat. If an animal is …

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The International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring system

At Kanters, we support animal health and look for alternatives for antimicrobials. The misuse …

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Optimus Duo-dosing module drinking water dosing pump
Greater work convenicence with the Optimus Duo-dosing module

Do you already dose liquid supplements into your livestock’s drinking water, but does lugging …

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Broiler chickens drinking water
Kanters products among the best water disinfectants and acidifiers

Antibiotic reduction is still an important topic in livestock farming. Since the ban on …

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Relieve heat stress in pigs with Aeroforte

Relieve heat stress in pigs with Aeroforte Heat stress is a major issue in …

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Intesti-Forte reduces weaning diarrhoea and mortality in piglets

Intesti-Forte reduces weaning diarrhoea and mortality in piglets New trial results show the benefits …

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Graph of effectiveness of Aqua-clean
Aqua-clean cleans and disinfects drinking water systems

New field test results show the great effectiveness of Aqua-clean on organic pollution in …

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EuroTier 2022

Visit us at EuroTier! From the 15th until the 18th of November 2022, the …

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filipijnen, kanters, team
Vetremedica from the Philipines: “Kanters is a partner with a lot of technical expertise”

Since 2012, Vetremedica Corporation from the Philippines, has been a satisfied distributor of Kanters. …

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Kanters, Thailand, schoon drinkwater, water, kwaliteit, aqua-clean
Product videos
Aqua-clean is the best biofilm remover

Kanters has been working with our partner SCG from Thailand for several years. They …

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Kanters, nutriforte, koeien, nutripreserve
Product videos
Nutripreserve inhibits heating

When the daytime temperature rises above 20ËšC, consideration must be given to measures to …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
Product videos
Healthy Pig

Healthy Pig is an innovative customised solution for working pleasure and convenience, animal health …

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Take a look in the Kanters lab

Water monitoring and dosing advice How is water quality determined and on what is …

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Jeroen uijlen, kanters, nutriforte vivace
Product videos
Jeroen Uijlen positive about the use of Nutriforte Vivace

Jeroen Uijlen positive about using Nutriforte Vivace Especially for animals that have to perform …

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kippen, pluimvee, water, Kanters
An explanation of the use of copper and zinc in our products

Kanters Special Products produces supplementary and dietary animal feed, which is used in the …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
Aqua-clean® against the African Swine Fever virus

Since 2007, the African swine fever has been on the rise from Africa, via …

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kippen, pluimvee, water, Kanters
Support the airways during ILT

A respiratory infection in poultry that deserves attention is Infectious larynchotracheitis (ILT). The ILT …

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varkens, drinkwater, kanters
How to keep your Salmonella status low

Salmonella belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. There are more than 2300 known Salmonella …

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Pluimvee-health-concept, kanters
Keep a cool head in hot weather

Essential oils have a wide range of manners to provide respiratory support. The mode …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
How to wean your piglets without any problems!

In several European countries (such as Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, …

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koeien, kanters, nutripreserve, broei
Nutripreserve Basic: Also suitable for the winter period

Did you know that adding a heating inhibitor to your crop also yields extra …

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hoofmix, kanters, exolium
Support hooves with Exolium Hoofmix

Kanters is and will continue to be fully occupied with the further development of …

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varkens, kanters, drinkwater, water
Supporting claw problems in sows

Recently there has been a lot of attention for the claw health of sows …

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kanters, leghennen, eieren, uitkomstpercentage, nutriforte vivace
Higher laying percentages in your hens

Pro-Mac is the nutritional energy boost that helps mothers during stressful and difficult periods. …

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Salmonella, varkens, kanters
Keep Salmonella under control

Salmonella When it comes to control of salmonella in pork production systems, there is …

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