Everything starts with water!
We focus on clean drinking water. We aim to provide all animals in intensive livestock farming with clean and healthy drinking water, thereby improving animal welfare. To achieve this, we offer practical and sustainable solutions that contribute to pleasure and ease of work. Ensuring good drinking water quality and accurate administration of nutritional supplements are central to this.
Drinking water systems
Plug & Play solutions for total control over your animals’ drinking water
Water recording
Accurate recording of extremely low water withdrawals in, for example, test stands
Measuring equipment
Professional tools to monitor the quality of your livestock’s drinking water
Providing animals with clean and healthy drinking water starts with a clean drinking water system and the techniques to keep the drinking water system clean. We can supply our Optimus, PurAqua and Optimixx combined in a pallet-sized system. Watch the video to see how these techniques work and complement each other.
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